

No parent ever imagines hearing their child has cancer. Our son, Trey, at two years old was diagnosed with stage 4 ATRT, which is a rare brain cancer affecting around 58 kids across the world each year. Trey suffered a stroke and seizure after his first brain resection, leaving him partially paralyzed on his left side. Child's Spirit, Inc. has been a blessing to our family and provided a ray of sunshine during an ongoing storm. Our son, who had no limitations prior to his diagnosis, is now a child with special needs, severely immunocompromised, and fighting for his life. Child Spirit, Inc. has helped ensure he had a safe space to come home to.

After close to nine long months in the hospital, 2 brain resections, 4 rounds of chemotherapy, multiple stem cell transplants, and 29 rounds of proton radiation, Trey came home to a bedroom that was adapted to fit his needs. Trey's new bedroom provided a healing space for fun, learning, happiness, and relaxation. All of these are extremely important to us, considering he is unable to play outside with other children, go to school, or daycare. Trey’s bedroom included all of his favorite things from dinosaurs, superheroes, lego wall, a chalk board for lessons and creative drawing.

The love, attention, and details that went into Trey's room are amazing! Trey loves his new bedroom. It's an escape from the harsh treatment and a place where he can be a kid and have fun! We will be forever grateful and honored to be the first recipients of Ava’s Gift Dream Bedroom!